Friday, July 3, 2009

On the Second Amendment

"Most of you are missing the entire point of gun control. Many people have quite eloquently supported the 2nd Amendment and argued logically in support of it and the right to self defense, myself included.

The Left wants to remove the 2nd Amendment for various ulterior motives, but when you boil it all down it amounts to this: 1) Keep The Masses Dependent 2) Stay In Power.

This simplified summary is evident every day, especially when you see and understand how Mr. Obama came to power. Besides the lockstep support of the MSM, George Soros's many organizations dedicated to destroying the U.S., Mr. Obama promised people FREE STUFF. Stupid and lazy people will always line up for FREE STUFF, and will always vote for the ones who offer it. The Left encourages an idle, ignorant, and lazy life style of under-acheivement.

Free healthcare, welfare, unemployment, stronger unions, mortgage relief, housing subsidy, and on and on, all singing the praises of Socialism. The Left wants you dependent on it for every aspect of your lives.

So if the Socialist's Utopia will provide you with everything from cradle to grave, then what do you want a gun for? Could it be many of us prefer self-reliance, hard work, honesty, and the ability to defend and protect our loved ones, neighbors, and family? That's why I want the 2nd Amendment to remain strong, and in light of today's sick society, I think it is every bit as relevent today as the day it was made law."

- Old Cold Warrior, The Divided U.S -

This was from an article I found on


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